Campaign with Us

Demanding Action, Inspiring Hope


We are in the midst of a climate crisis; global biodiversity is declining at a faster rate than any period in world history and our leaders are continuously failing to meet environmental targets. Tackling these issues on our own can seem like a daunting and hopeless task. How as mere individuals can we make our voices heard?

That’s where Grassroots Activists comes in. We want to empower you to make real change happen! Our name was chosen because it means bringing together a group of people who care deeply about a cause – ours being the earth – and pushing for change. By doing so, your voice will have power and very importantly, legitimacy.

We work on a variety of environmental campaigns, where we provide clear instructions on how to effectively use social media and your own resources to send a strong message to our decision makers. If you want to get more involved, get in touch and help us with campaign ideas or volunteer with us! 

Despite what news outlets would have you believe, movements like ours have resulted in major environmental wins across the globe. In Cheshire, UK, climate campaigners pushed back against plans for shale gas testing in 2022 and won. In Portugal, after years of campaigning by activists, the last two fossil fuel extraction contracts in the country were cancelled in 2020. In this era of doom scrolling and pessimism, we invite you to be part of Grassroots Activists and demand action for our planet, and by doing so, inspire hope!

Our Recent Campaigns:



Revoke and Reform is a direct attack on the UK’s most threatened species. We need your help to stop this bill in its tracks.