Get Creative and Collaborate

Talk to friends, family, colleagues, your hairdresser, and find others in your local community who want to see the end of Retained EU Law bill! Work together to organise stalls, events, and talks. Create your own posters and leaflets to hand out. Reach out online by finding Discord, Reddit and Facebook groups. Work together on video messages, organise a social media campaign, or host online discussions. The ball’s in your court!

You can also get in touch with various environmental charities asking to collaborate. Many charities such as the National TrustWorld Wildlife Fund and the RSPB are involved with the “Stop the Attack on Nature” campaign, which shares our goal. There are also many charities whose focus is the conservation of otters and wetlands such as the UK Wild Otters Trust and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust you could consider reaching out to.

However you decide to collaborate and get our message out there, remember to include the #StandUpForNature hashtag wherever you can, and share what you are doing on social media with the hashtag too. We are excited to hear about all the creative ways online groups, charities, and local communities are working together making a difference!