Your garden, the local park or while out on walks are all perfect for an urban nature scavenger hunt. The idea is simple – you discover the nature in your town or city by exploring crooks and looking at unusual times.
For example, try an evening walk to see some of our favourite nocturnal mammals, foxes and hedgehogs, or sunny spaces with some plant life give you the best chances of seeking out butterflies.
Our Wild at Home Officer, Lauren, has created these scavenger hunt pages for you to print off and take on your walk. Click the image to download the pdf document.

Your scavenger hunt can be carried out as a family race, but it’s even better if you are able to spend some time getting familiar with our wild friends – observe their behaviour, see what they’re eating. Perhaps you can get a photo and send it to us at
Debs’ top tip:
If you find some bramble, this is a great place to see all sorts of furry, fuzzy and flappy urban friends.